
  • EEAGSA special "Exploring Horizons"
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)

    "Exploring Horizons" is a special issue showcasing the graduate-level research taking place within the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The abstracts recorded in this special issue were presented in the 14th Annual Graduate Research Showcase conference organized by the Elementary Education Graduate Students’ Association (EEGSA) and Secondary Education Graduate Students’ Association (SEGSA). The conference theme celebrated the innovative, inventive, and inspirational research of our graduate students and invites participants to consider the vast possibilities that emerge from thinking with, through, and beyond educational research horizons. The conference board was responsible for the peer-review process of the abstracts in this issue. Kimberly Edmonson, Yina Liu, and Katherine Koskie Co-Chaired the 14th Annual Graduate Research Showcase.

  • Reviews
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)

  • EEGSA_SEGSA special issue: “Remote Connections”
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

    "Remote Connections" is a special issue showcasing the graduate-level research taking place within the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The abstracts recorded in this special issue were presented in the 13th Annual Graduate Research Showcase conference organized by the Elementary Education Graduate Students’ Association (EEGSA) and Secondary Education Graduate Students’ Association (SEGSA). The conference theme was inspired by the commitments to create knowledge with varying epistemology, honouring the diverse and creative teaching/learning incurred during this unprecedented COVID time. The conference board was responsible for the peer-review process of the abstracts in this issue. Darcy Courtland, Kim Edmondson, and Yina Liu Co-Chaired the 13th Annual Graduate Research Showcase.

  • Health and Education
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)

    Health and Education go hand in hand, but there is also a need for a supportive environment to help motivate healthy living. These are some of the messages the authors in this volume share with us. 

  • CASCH Special Issue
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2019)

    This Special Issue is a record of the research presented during the Campus Alberta Student Conference on Health (CASCH) 2019.  The focus of the Special Issue is health and life sciences research activities taken place by graduate students throughout the province of Alberta. 

    CASCH is lead by graduate students from across Alberta, and the Campus Alberta Partnership,  including the University of Alberta School of Public Health and Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Calgary O'Brien Institute for Public Health, University of Lethbridge Faculty of Health Sciences, and Alberta Health Services.

    Containing only abstracts, this Special Issue aims at broadcast the broad spectrum of the health-related research currently active in Alberta, in the hopes of helping future or current graduate student connect with the right research group to start off a career in research or develop a collaboration.  

  • WISEST special edition
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)

    This Special Issue celebrates the research conducted by high school students at the University of Alberta during the summer of 2019.  With the students, AAR would like to thank their supervisors for their support and for inspiring the younger generation into the fields of science and engineering.  Students in this Summer Research Program (SRP) were funded by Women In Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology (WISEST). 

  • Moving Forward
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)

    Dear readers, we are pleased to share with you one more article this year. This article teaches us how important is to pay attention to details when making medical decisions. We are grateful for the work of the anonymous reviewers, editors and authors. Their hard work allows us to share this manuscript with you. 

  • Focusing on Health: from farm animals to humans.
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019)

    We are proud and happy to announce our second issue with three articles focusing on health. AAR Vol1 Issue 2 starts with a review of the factors influencing calf-health. This article highlights that good alimentation of the gestating cow can enhance the health of the calf.  The second article in this issue reviews the importance of improving patient care in the US as a way to reduce healthcare cost (coming soon). The third article is primary research focusing on the human's immune response, it uncovers the role of mast cells initiating the immune system response (coming soon). The three papers were written by former undergraduate students. We hope this will encourage other students to experience the peer-review process and publish their work so that it can be shared worldwide! 

  • Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)

    Message from the Editor in Chief: It is with great enthusiasm that the AAR journal invites you to read our first issue! It contains the research of University of Alberta students on two very important topics to Canada and the world today. We hope that our readers will enjoy reading these publications. With this issue AAR opens the sequence of a variety of high-quality interdisciplinary research that we will continue to publish for years to come. As the Editor in Chief of AAR journal I would like thank our hard-working volunteers, the University of Alberta Library, and the patient authors themselves for helping AAR to achieve this first milestone!